"I Am On My Way" and "Come and Dance"

About Thunder Woman your Princess of Dawning aka Charlene
"I Am On My Way" Thunder Woman's Heart Sacred Song Blessing
Words to the Song "I am on my Way"
"Come and Dance" Princess of Dawning's Heart (Use Head Phones to Hear Drums) White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings

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Thursday, November 1, 2012

Aho, Brotherhood on the Rows

Aho, Brotherhood on the Rows

White Buffalo Calf Woman: If I could have the hands of time, I would hold you in all the rhymes. Come brotherhood. Come brotherhood. Now I want to know, just what you got to show. I want to know, where we're gonna go. Oh brotherhood. Yes, brotherhood. Aho, aho, aho, aho, aho, aho, aho, aho, aho, ah oh. Now my Sister is going to sing for you just so you will know the view. My Princess of Dawning will shine for you, to sell you what is true (the good news). It's love and laughter in the view. Aho. Come on my Sister, tell them what is solid gold.

(talk it out, we make a shout)

Princess of Dawning: The rhythm is me, trying to be free. Swimming and gliding from eternity. Where do I need to bee (dreaming impossible dreams)? What do I need to see? Where do I need to go? How do I flow? How do we know which way to go?

White Buffalo Calf Woman: Aho (may your spirit fly free)

Princess of Dawning:  Aho (may your spirit fly free)

White Buffalo Calf Woman: Where do we need to bee (dream impossible dreams)? Where do we need to go (crystalline stone river)? Where do we need to sigh in that sacred rainbow (breath, the vehicle). It's brotherhood you see. Princess of Dawning knows. It's brotherhood it'll (it will) bee, the way of our sacred toes/tows. It's Princess Dawning who knows exactly how to bee. The voice of brotherhood will show you just "of all the leaves" (relatives in the great stream). It's pretty close to you and me. Aho.

Princess of Dawning:  Aho and I go. I do want to know. I want to let go. I want. I want it to flow. I want us all learn to give ... to live, like we need to live to learn, to grow, to all help one another flow. 

White Buffalo Calf Woman: Aho, Aho, Aho, Aho, Aho, Aho, Aho, Aho, Aho, Aho, Aho, Aho, Aho, Aho, Aho, Aho, Aho (Great Spirit Father knows the flow), it's all the places inside you sea (the blue of earth's light and her glorious reflection). It's inside where we've got to be on our knees (prayer). It's inside where the sun will shine.  It's brotherhood now just realized. Princess of Dawning will show you your eyes. If you just look inside and you'll realize. There is more than what is inside of you. It's the streaming that lives in the blue. Aho, Aho.

Princess of Dawning:  I love you sow. I don't think you even know how much it grows, inside, inside, inside. Aho.

White Buffalo Calf Woman:  Don't you see inside of yee? (talking) You know everything just seems so constantly. And I know I got to talk it out in this song (singing) because I just got to learn to shout and get it out all along. Aho.

Princess of Dawning:  And I love life, I do love it sow. Everywhere I go, I meet people I know. And I know that I know em (them). One look in their eyes, it's just, it's just inside, it's really not a surprise. Aho.

White Buffalo Calf Woman: I am here with you. You can't hide your view. I know everything in your soul. And there is no way but to rock and roll. Sow my Brothers and my Sisters. It's here, right hear right now. White Buffalo Calf Woman singing to you. And Princess Dawning is showing the view. And we got Holiness David hitting that drum. He's the Running Eagle the Shooting Star on the run. And we're the relatives you're seeking this day, because brotherhood is on it's waves. Aho.

Princess of Dawning:  And I love the way you flow (squeal of laughter) and the way you make me snow. I don't think you even know. I don't, I don't even know (squeal of laughter).  Aho.

White Buffalo Calf Woman: Aho, Aho, Aho, Aho. See how great you are on your toes. You don't realize how much we love you. Inside our heart has a sacred view. You're the gem inside of you. Aho, Aho (may your spirit fly free).
(laughing together)

White Buffalo Calf Woman and Princess of Dawning sing and Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star drums. A Sacred Song Blessing for Brotherhood, "Aho, Brotherhood on the Rows".

Ghost Walk  (Sing, Dance, Gather) with us (where you are) each New Moon. 
From the darkness we arise a heavenly child. 
(2014, solar and lunar calender align, January 1, a cycle of renewal) 

 Sacred Song Blessings, gift all a good song, because you are perfect in all that does song. Our hearts reach into heaven, and we flood, with a sound, the music of Angels, that gift us pure sound. I want you to know, that you are part of God, the echo, that lingers till light hits the "Dawn". And we are the magic, that children who know, the heart always has pureness, like the blessed snow!

Thunder Woman your Princess of Dawning Sings to Know the Breeze, the Song of the Heavenly Steves (crowns or kinsmen). And singing in the days of long, the purification that gets us home!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Thanks For My Brothers and Sisters prayer. Proverbs 17:17

Aho Relatives on this Sacred Circle of Life,

I bow and I bless the sacred nine streams in you and in me and I bless the four directions. I bless myself, I bless the world.
I am sharing a prayer and a bible verse.

Inline image 1

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. The courage to change the things I can. And the wisdom to know the difference.

~A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of *adversity. - Proverbs 17:17~

Thank you God, for all my brothers and sisters in this life who are there to stand up for me and to help me through all my adversities. Thank you for all my friends and family and all the blessings you have given me in this life.

*adversity [ədˈvɜːsɪtɪ]
n pl -ties
1. distress; affliction; hardship
2. an unfortunate event or incident

Love and Blessings in these streams. Love and Blessings to all our dreams.
Thunder Raging your Princess of Dawning 
violet child, rainbow warriors of prophecy

Thunder Raging your Princess of Dawning Sings to Know the Breeze, the Song of the Heavenly Steves (crowns or kinsmen). And singing in the days of long, the purification that gets us home!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Look Within

I trust my life in your hands. Know you could hurt me but you won't. I trust my life and my soul, to walk with you down this road.
I give my heart back to you. We'll learn together, in truth. It might take us a while. But know we surely will smile. Might get confusing at times.
We might cross our own lines. But i know together we'll find, the perfect balance and rhyme.

I believe in this love so much. I believe it's time to step up, and now's the time to wake up.
Stand up for what you believe. Stand your ground, don't you leave.
Taking the back door
(in or out) may seem....like you found a way that's easy. Make you think you're living the dream. But what will it really mean, if you walk alone and

Who will you share it with? If they don't know you exist. What I'm saying is this......take a chance, take a risk. Put yourself out on that limb, then close your eyes and
dive in. I know you're afraid you can't swim, and of what's beneath all that grim*.
(grimness). But that's just outside; that's just the rim. Don't be afraid to look in, or to open your eyes.
Sometimes it's
scary to see, the truth of you and of me.
But you can't look deep within, unless you know where you've been. Don't give up on a
whim. You may be surprised at what you see. And maybe you'll find, it wasn't as bad as it seemed.

I know that life wears you thin. Makes you forget to begin. Until your light's feeling dim, then you react, but that's where you've been. Just don't go there again. That's when you write it all down, all the reasons you frowned and why you're still feeling down. Forgive yourself, and then forgive them. Then and only then, do you release all that sin.

Let's sit back for a while. Take a breath, learn to smile. :) Light your candle, your sage. Say a prayer, bless this place.
Then after we've relaxed, let's just get up and dance. Sing a song, maybe two. I bless me, I bless you.

See, there's no reason to be... uptight, sad or angry. If you still feel those things, then look inside once again. Do another blessing.
It seems so easy to blame. But there's no need in that shame. Learn to fight for your gain. Learn to rethink again. Look inside, first of all. You won't have far to fall. But if you look far away, and point your fingers and blame. You only further your strain, and still inside it remains.
It's the lessons, the pain. The unforgiveness, the shame. And there it will remain, until you decide to step back in, and you clean up your space. Until you can look deep inside, and see your own face
(your own sin); you won't be able to handle, any type of disgrace. Why would you want to live in that place?
Just be honest and open, to your own self, be true. Sometimes all you have, is simply the
truth. Can you learn not to condemn? You're so hard on yourself. But the madness (insanity) must stop. It's okay to need help. 

But you see, we can't always, do it alone. That's why inside we have
**(God's, Source's) Spirit, and it's called our soul. God told us to begin, to live life just like Him.
He gave us that right, after all, we are His children....He trusts in us; So why can't we simply, just trust in Him?
Well, that's why we're learning, to be the light from within.
The love that we hold, will heal and will cleanse. But we can't do anything, till we Stop and look IN. You can talk all day about who did what and who did it when. But it won't change anything, until you look at where you've been. (at your own sin
within). The things unresolved, that's the meaning of sin. 

Through God's grace we remain, we can be anything. We can go anywhere, if you only believe. He gave us this life, he gave us the reins. He gave us control of our body and our world. He gave
us the wisdom, to know, that we aren't alone. He connected us all, we can always call home. Just sit and relax, begin to meditate. That is our line (prayer), that is our gate. There's always a way that we can relate.

We have the power, yes, that is true. But only over ourselves; You can't control me, I can't control you. But look at the great things, we all could do. If we only started with ourselves, and changed our own views.
So there's no where you see, nowhere we can't go; If we just believe. And we can be anything, if inside we see. That it's through God's grace we remain, it's why we overcame. He gave us laughter and brains. What you choose to do with them.....well, that question remains. You can choose to be happy or sad all your days. Let's learn to BE love, and God's golden rays.

Through the good or the bad; Here's where I'll stay.

*grim: [adj.]
1. Unrelenting; rigid.
2. Uninviting or unnerving in aspect; forbidding
3. Ghastly; sinister
4. Dismal; gloomy
5. Ferocious; savage

*grimness: [noun]
1. The quality of being ghastly (ghastliness, gruesomeness, luridness
    frightfulness) - the quality of being frightful
2. Something hard to endure; (asperity, rigor, rigorousness, rigourousness, severeness, severity, rigour, hardship)
3. Difficultness, difficulty - the quality of being difficult; sternness - the quality (as of scenery) being grim and gloomy and forbidding

**God, He, Him: Source, a Higher Power that I call God (G_ah_d), The Divine energy of all that is, was and is to come.

Thunder Woman your Princess of Dawning Sings to Know the Breeze, the Song of the Heavenly Steves (crowns or kinsmen). And singing in the days of long, the purification that gets us home.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Lesson Learned Love Adorned

On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 Princess of Dawning wrote:

Beloved White Buffalo Calf Woman,

I do bow. I bless the sacred nine directions, I bless myself, I bless the world. Thank you for the link to the movie. I just found it and is already in my instant queue. I will watch it tonight before bed, thank you. "The Secret" http://movies.netflix.com/WiMovie/The_Secret/70063484. I will try and start sharing my songs on hoop 4.  I love you very much... Sharing a song with you today....

~~Lesson's learned....and love adored. I let my heart....become your floor 
(walk all over me instead of seen, a beam of love, just a chore)
I gave my all....but you want more. Your effervescent show....is merely that
(it's a matter of fact, the rainbow glows, the red road knows)
A magic cloth.... a magician's act 
(instead of making it stack, all orderly, aligned and in tune with everything)
You blow your smoke....and wave your wand (poof you think you are James Bond).
You wait to talk....when I am gone. But not to me.....not to my face
(instead you grieve not making our belief, love rules our hearts today, all waves)
I try to talk....you walk away. I ask what's wrong....you still won't say
(what you'd be thinking is written on your face, you think we don't notice this trace)
You simply glare....and look away. I want in....but you won't budge 
(a grin that gets you nowhere, only insults and stares)
You say it is.....but that's not love. I don't think....it's about wrong or right
(it's about the fight, the whipping into shape, the holy rolling soul displayed)
Or being mean....or taking sides. I think it is....about a lack thereof. 
A lack of understanding.....and not knowing what's love 
(the binding calling of the doves, the peaceful souls from above, stars of heaven that shine).~~

~~But I will hold your heart and I will hold your hand. 
I know one day you'll understand. It may be hard, and that's okay. 
We'll figure things out, the brotherhood way~~

Love and Blessings,
Thunder Raging your Princess of Dawning
violet child, princessofdawning.blogspot.com
Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
(interpretation and added song by White Buffalo Calf Woman)

On Thursday, Aug 9, 2012 White Buffalo Calf Woman wrote:

Beloved Thunder Raging your Princess of Dawning
Let us all send love to your heart, when our men just miss the mark, the heart.

Regarding the video "The Secret" http://movies.netflix.com/WiMovie/The_Secret/70063484. It's great teaching on learning to dream and believe. Our thoughts are our sacred intentions. What they miss is the call of brotherhood, with the sacred blessings. To be a warrior, each must take their place in the rainbow clan and to care for the whole world, not parts of the world. Realization that we share the entire dream space together and necessary parts together is an evolutionary change, only Brotherhood can bring. There is an exchange, when one receives another suffers. Learning how to suffer for love's calling is the birthing of Warriors of Prophecy. Each part holds the world in perspective. Each perspective is a story written. Understanding all perspectives is understanding the Rainbow Clan, we are all related in the fields and rings. You are the pipe keeper (violet child), the very one who teaches the world how to cleanse and purify into sacred space with fire blessings. http://birthingofhope.blogspot.com/

However this video does start in our dreaming, our waking consciousness. You have sow much to share with the world, when you find your greatness and your dreaming comes true for all to observe. WE learn to walk our talk and share it with all of mankind, not a few, but all we dew, together one family of four directions, the black/blue man, the red man, the yellow man and the white man. These are the hoops of the universe and we are the dream of this universe, all together as Oneness. Each part is needed. Each part depends on the other parts. We are relatives in the fields of rings (waves). We don't want part of you (pieces of a dream). We want all of you, present and accounted for (the whole dream). When you are ready, you will bee the Great Dream which lives inside of you.

Your devoted servant,
White Buffalo Calf Woman your Twin Deer Mother
elder crystal child, alightfromwithin.org
Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

Ghost Walk  (Sing, Dance, Gather) with us (where you are) each New Moon. 
From the darkness we arise a heavenly child. 
(2014, solar and lunar calender align, January 1, a cycle of renewal) 

Thunder Woman your Princess of Dawning Sings to Know the Breeze, the Song of the Heavenly Steves (crowns or kinsmen). And singing in the days of long, the purification that gets us home!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Rainbows Believe in the Wind, We Are Here to Eliminate Sin

Aho Famiy on Hoop 3,

Bowing and Blessing the sacred nine directions, I bless myself, I bless the world. Sharing a song today with you.

I am listening to the winds. 
From the tree tops, diving in.
I am glistening from within
From purifying all that sin.
A sacred heart, a day to start, a loving song, sung from the heart.
Listening in, to all that smart, makes each day a work of art.
Blessings come, at first without.
But slowly they, will spring and sprout.
The more we bless, the more we sea
That this is love, eternally; that this is love from you to me.
And back around, from town to town, from Holy Ghost, to Heaven's crown.
The blessings come, from deep within (God, Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, lives in each of us. Therefore, every time we do a blessing, we dew it through and by the grace of God).
To bless the world and to forgive.
We purify, start with ourselves.
Dig down deep and cinch your belt.
Light the fire (candle), to cleanse the mire (muck).
Light the sage (smoke, smudge) to cleanse your space. (dream space, meditation space, living space, your area, your body, soul and mind).
And bless the water to and fro, everyday. (pour from one cup to the next, to represent the waves (relatives). Bless the water when you bless your space).
It's not as much as it all seems.
Just pray and bless for everything.
Now fly and soar, all to the sound;
Of rainbow colors (families, relatives) all around.
Dance and sing, everyday. And don't think twice, about what you say.
The soul, it knows, the great display.
Yes, at first glance, words may seem stray.
But look them up, you'll be amazed.
And if you can, then beat the drum.
Or dance around, to someones hum.
And don't forget to meditate.
If we do all these, we won't be late.
And I tell you now, it's not so hard.
If we'll just ever, ever, make a start.
Just draw back and let it fly.
Shoot your arrow, to the sky.
That's as simple as it is.
To pray each day, to bless and sing.
To dance and drum and do nothing (meditate).
You can do it, yes you can. I know because, I'm the queen of cant's.
And putting off, till the next day, what I really need to do today.
Convincing myself, that it can wait.
But now I'm doing this for me (for you, for us, for family).
And if we get, on the ball now. We could be, the sacred bow, sacredness, the holy cow.
So, here's to giving all our praise, our light, our love, and all our faith.
To the glory of this wonderous haze : Our elders, yes, our warm embrace.
With a gentle push, they lead us on.
With a story told, they make us strong.
A lesson learned, because they knew. We'd have to hop, before we flew. 
Wisdom sought - and so they taught.
What is love - and what is not.
Lesson's worth their weight in gold. But what's inside, cannot be sold, what's inside is what we've sowed.
Money - that could never match. Money - that could never buy. All their wisdom or their soul. Oh, what they taught us about life.
So, here's to living in this great sacred time, in this great sacred place.
In this great sacred moment, and in love's sacred embrace.
It put a spring in our steps, and a smile on our face.
So, here's to all Rainbows, rising to the test; 
Hold your head high and stand up, we won't fall. For we are the chosen, and we are truly blessed.

Love and Blessings,
Thunder Raging your Princess of Dawning
violet child, rainbow warrior of prophecy 
{ violet, aqua, magenta, gray }

Thunder Woman your Princess of Dawning Sings to Know the Breeze, the Song of the Heavenly Steves (crowns or kinsmen). And singing in the days of long, the purification that gets us home!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Fly Eternally, Gliding on Wings We Chime and Sing

White Buffalo Calf Woman (crystal, yellow, green, gray): We are ready, Holiness David (Running Eagle Shooting Star our Father Red Hand, lavender, yellow, aqua, gray) is hitting the drum.

Princess of Dawning (violet, aqua, magenta, gray): Aho (may your spirit fly)

White Buffalo Calf Woman:  I am blessing first. (Light a fire and bless with smoke nine sacred streams and four directions. Touch the waters and inhale, there I can sail.)

Princess of Dawning: I will too (bless the sacred nine directions with smoke, fire and water)

White Buffalo Calf Woman: When you are ready, Holiness is beating really loud to touch the clouds.

Princess of Dawning: I just finished. Ready and thank you.

White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings a Sacred Song Blessing from the heart of Princess of Dawning, the violet child (violet, aqua, magenta, gray).

Great is the mighty stream (river of life). Glory come to beam (streams of rainbow colors). Inside my heart, I will light a spark. I will shine from heaven eternally (a light from within). Great is my song to lift me high. Heaven on Earth touch the sky. I will feel the mighty flow, heaven on earth down to my tows/toes (where I walk with my burdens). Feel the beat on my heart. I will show you the smarts (stings). I will gift to you your part. I will show you how to arc/ark (sail free with humbleness, bow with me). Listen to me Brotherhood. Listen to me, like you should. Heaven on Earth sinks into your soul, where God is living gold.

Where you go my heart will sing ..... ..... ...... ...... .... There my light will always bring, the place of heaven inside of me ...... ..... .... there my soul will set me free. Bow on my knees, heaven company (blue hoop of eternity). I will show you true, just what we must dew, cling to me and you. There I stand to make a mend, tear my face from my soul (colors that bind). I want to sew the fabric of time, to bury treasures of gold. Seek a place of destiny rise. Sing a song tonight. I will catch the waves that roll by just to know you are sowed. 

Every river has a rainbow. Every song feels the chime. Don't you want to billow, in the clouds this roaring time. We are leaning on salvation, the place within our heart. We are leaning on rainbows, our brothers holding the arc. Come and sit with me awhile. I will share your lesson (celestial gifts) and smile. I will be true. I will be blue. Look at my warrior, my company, look at my jersey (warriors outfit, similar the queens men) for all to sea (envision with yee). I am here devotionally. I am here to please thee, just open your heart for me to see. Just find a path, where we will last, the buoyant team across the galaxy.

There we will fly eternally. There we will glide like on wings. There we will smile for all to sea, heaven on earth it's finally reality. That's the way it goes now. That's the way it flows. That's the way of rainbows, you just have to know. Trust inside your heart-stream, much wants to linger out. There our souls are together, let us learn to shout and pout (share our hearts together, let's share the view). All together. All together. It's a circle in the winds. All together, all together, heaven on earth crosses the winds.

White Buffalo Calf Woman: White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings and Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star Drums. I say, you always have the nicest beat, strong and full. Feel like skipping along.

Princess of Dawning: Yay!!!! That was awesome! Thank you both so much....I was swaying to your words. Thank you.

White Buffalo Calf Woman: Oh how sweet, we both chuckle.

Princess of Dawning: lol (lots of love). Love y'all.

White Buffalo Calf Woman: Love you too, aho and over the rainbow, wbcw (White Buffalo Calf Woman) and hdrest (Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star) going play more songs along the way. Talk with you soon on the hoops!

Princess of Dawning: Aho .... till then. http://princessofdawning.blogspot.com

 Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy 
Pray With Elders around the World

Sacred Song Blessings, gift all a good song, because you are perfect in all that does song. Our hearts reach into heaven, and we flood, with a sound, the music of Angels, that gift us pure sound. I want you to know, that you are part of God, the echo, that lingers till light hits the "Dawn". And we are the magic, that children who know, the heart always has pureness, like the blessed snow!

LABELS: , , ,, ,, , , , 

Thunder Woman your Princess of Dawning Sings to Know the Breeze, the Song of the Heavenly Steves (crowns or kinsmen). And singing in the days of long, the purification that gets us home!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

A Warrior's Worth

Aho Relatives,

I bless the sacred nine directions, I bless myself, I bless the world. I bless for us, to surely adjust, to the reality, that this isn't a dream. That what we feel, is oh so real. I bless for us all to know the great wheel. I bless for peace, love and happiness. I bless for Creation to be splendid once again. I bless for our songs to float in the winds. I bless for us, family, to look deep within. I bless this with love. I bless the water, the wind.
Tears have been falling, relatives calling. Rainbows are dawning, to find their way home. Time to start blessing, not just confessing. And I'm blessing today, for all of the waves, to come back home, where the Buffalo does roam.

I bless for the worlds (Spiritual, Physical, Mental) to open their hearts and to open their minds; and to know that Humanity, is all intertwined. Today is the day, to put fear away; to walk in the sun, to bless as we pray.

Today is the day, to stop closing our eyes. Today is the day, for us to realize; that it took all the waves, in all of their daze, to get where we are, to listen and play.

It's not one over the other, not I'm this or I'm that. The fights on for love, there's no doubt about that. Bending over backwards, to make it work. Fighting for love, that's a warrior's worth. I bless for all to do their part. I bless this day and the Holy Arc. 


Love and Blessings,
Thunder Raging your Princess of Dawning
violet child, rainbow warrior of prophecy

 Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy 
Pray With Elders around the World

Thunder Raging your Princess of Dawning Sings to Know the Breeze, the Song of the Heavenly Steves (crowns or kinsmen). And singing in the days of long, the purification that gets us home!

If I Would Sing It, Then I Would Know Rings Around It

We want, we desire, but in the end, we hit the mire, love is near, but oh the fear, if only love could find my heart. There's a song in my heart, if I'd sing it. I know the Word of God, if I'd bring it.  There we find it's one sink it (ground), the deep and rings it (wrings it and sounds out).  The Love that brings it, back around and together again. The sound of love abounds, to sink deep, to ring it sweet, the place of song, if I'd sing it. The family of souls, together again. 

Whispering heartache, feathers in the wind.  Help me sea it, I bring my heart with a kiss, our love only flows, never does it end.  It glows. It flies, it whispers in the wind. Once in a while gone, but never for good, in the end. Laughter brings us back again, where love can flow and hearts can mend. Binding seams in the streams of light. Softly, gently, with all their Might. 

Solemn bows and grace, hold us to this space. Bring sorrow, plentiful disgrace to the kneads of the seed*, for growth is strong like the trees. It's you and me, for this life, for eternity. Whoo hoo, thanks to the blue. It's you and me, one family. Yay!!!!!!!!! Aho as we go!!!! (laughter) Sweet bliss, the mighty of the kiss, one song, one tune, always in bloom, our hearts can never miss, if we bow to the blue's bliss.
* "plentiful disgrace to the kneads of the seed" means: Cosmic dust, ashes to ashes we purify the dust, creating the ability for new life, soil of the earth. When we purify our sins and begin again, we till the soil to bring in new life once more. 

White Buffalo Calf Woman and Thunder Raging Sings 
elder crystal child and violet child,Alightfromwithin.org, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

This is how the eye moves, because images are still. Blink.
The world is not what we think!
White Buffalo Calf Woman
Returning Children of the Rainbow
Thunder Raging
How awesome!  :)
White Buffalo Calf Woman
Meaning the wave is flowing back now. Where are we going, but to and fro.
Thunder Raging
Wow! That just gave me chills all up and down my body! How neat!
White Buffalo Calf Woman
Yes. I am looking forwards to our singing.
Thunder Raging
It's making me cry. Happy....but still crying
White Buffalo Calf Woman
We want, we desire, but in the end, we hit the mire, love is near, but oh the fear, if only love could find my heart.
Thunder Raging
There's a song in my heart, if i'd sing it. I know the Word of God, if i'd bring it.
White Buffalo Calf Woman
There we find it's one sink it, the deep and rings it.
Thunder Raging
The Love that brings it, back around and together again.
White Buffalo Calf Woman
The sound of love abounds, to sink deep, to ring it sweet, the place of song, if I'd sing it.
Thunder Raging
The family of souls, together again. Whispering heartache, feathers in the wind.
White Buffalo Calf Woman
Help me sea it, I bring my heart with a kiss,
Thunder Raging
our love only flows, never does it end.
White Buffalo Calf Woman
It glows.
Thunder Raging
It flies, it whispers in the wind. Once in a while gone, but never for good, in the end.
White Buffalo Calf Woman
Laughter brings us back again.
Thunder Raging
where love can flow and hearts can mend. Binding seams in the streams of light. Softly, gently, with all their Might.
White Buffalo Calf Woman
Solemn bows and grace, hold us to this space. Bring sorrow, plentiful disgrace to the kneads of the seed, for growth is strong like the trees. It's you and me,
Thunder Raging
for this life, for eternity.
White Buffalo Calf Woman
Whoo hoo, thanks to the blue. it's you and me, one family.
Thunder Raging
Yay!!!!!!!!! Aho as we go!!!!
White Buffalo Calf Woman
(laughter) sweet bliss, the mighty of the kiss, one song, one tune, always in bloom, our hearts can never miss, if we bow to the blue's bliss.
Thank you sweet heart, my beloved Thunder Raging.
Thunder Raging
Thank you, my lovely White Buffalo Calf Woman....and ok :)  OHHHH....my heart soooo missed you!
I love you, thank you for singing with me!

Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

Sacred Song Blessings, gift all a good song, because you are perfect in all that does song. Our hearts reach into heaven, and we flood, with a sound, the music of Angels, that gift us pure sound. I want you to know, that you are part of God, the echo, that lingers till light hits the "Dawn". And we are the magic, that children who know, the heart always has pureness, like the blessed snow!
Thunder Raging your Princess of Dawning Sings to Know the Breeze, the Song of the Heavenly Steves (crowns or kinsmen). And singing in the days of long, the purification that gets us home!

Leave a Blessing, Touch the Water!