"I Am On My Way" and "Come and Dance"

About Thunder Woman your Princess of Dawning aka Charlene
"I Am On My Way" Thunder Woman's Heart Sacred Song Blessing
Words to the Song "I am on my Way"
"Come and Dance" Princess of Dawning's Heart (Use Head Phones to Hear Drums) White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings

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Monday, January 2, 2012

Upon the River That Needs a Hey

Prayer for Thunder Woman who feels the rage, upon the river that needs a hey (hello and smile)!

Dancing in the clouds my heart, does beat to the cow (holy rainbow colors, the clothing we wear), let the holy man shine within the stream, to know of "it's golden beam". We play upon the glory wept, to say, our hearts are merely swept, but I know it's better said, when we bow and pray all the waves.

And as the miracle begins to grow, my soul is pondering on which way to go. It's beaming lights that shine in me, because I feel the gushing stream. If only those could understand, how perfectly the rushing sound. I need to call upon the winds of time, just to hear the chime (song of angels sing).

For we are empty vessels needed fill, the longing of the sacred pill, the dousing (get all wet from tears) of our souls believe, the dreams can come true, even in a time of the blue.

White Buffalo Calf Woman (crystal, yellow, green, gray) sings for the heart of Princess of Dawning (violet, aqua, magenta, gray) who sheens!

ps. Do the dance and song together, magenta overlay every day...

Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

Thunder Woman your Princess of Dawning Sings to Know the Breeze, the Song of the Heavenly Steves (crowns or kinsmen). And singing in the days of long, the purification that gets us home!

Leave a Blessing, Touch the Water!