"I Am On My Way" and "Come and Dance"

About Thunder Woman your Princess of Dawning aka Charlene
"I Am On My Way" Thunder Woman's Heart Sacred Song Blessing
Words to the Song "I am on my Way"
"Come and Dance" Princess of Dawning's Heart (Use Head Phones to Hear Drums) White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings

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Monday, January 16, 2012

I Woke Up Yesterday

I woke up yesterday. Revelation dawning on a new day. So much to do, so much to say. Letting myself get in the way. Worrying about you. Don't know what for. God always opens up a brand new door. Wasting my days wasting my nights. Already know what's wrong, what's right. Can't believe I let myself dim my light. 
Smiles are here, smiles to stay. Ready to take on another day. God is here, He walks with me. Bringer of my destiny. I love His light. I love Him sow! I let this feeling take control. He's
got my life, my body and my soul.
Where did I think I was gonna go? God has never let me down before. I'm sorry I messed with this locked door. When right there before my very eyes, Was the way he painted out my life. What a wonderful great surprise. 
I love my soul, I love my life. I had to look again to realize. He's never left me, never left my side. He held my hand as I cried, when I felt lost, he closed His eyes, so I could open mine up wide, so I could know I am alive on this wondrous glorious ride of life.
God's right here with me tonight. Never once has He left my side. I bless the 9 directions again tonight. I love my world. I love my life. I hope this feeling spreads tonight. To all the others who try to hide. Just like me for just one more night. I bless them to know what I know's alright. God is here. I love my life. Thank you God. Thank you 2wice.
I love you more than I love my own life. You are the man of sacrifice. You deserve to be held on high. I'll shout your name from the mountains high through the rivers and the valleys wide. God is great. God is life. God is all we need to find.

I bow (to you) and I bless the nine sacred directions. I bless myself. I bless the world.

Thunder Woman your Princess of Dawning
Violet Child, Rainbow Warrior of Prophecy

Thunder Woman your Princess of Dawning Sings to Know the Breeze, the Song of the Heavenly Steves (crowns or kinsmen). And singing in the days of long, the purification that gets us home!

1 comment:

  1. Aho my little Princess of Dawning,

    What a wonderful song and a beautiful heart. Thank you for sharing and gifting this impart. Great are the waves that bring us on home, sailing on over, riding the foam. Blessings my child, you are heaven's voice, now shout out the love and see everyones rejoice.

    Love your Grandmother Comfort in the Wind


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