"I Am On My Way" and "Come and Dance"

About Thunder Woman your Princess of Dawning aka Charlene
"I Am On My Way" Thunder Woman's Heart Sacred Song Blessing
Words to the Song "I am on my Way"
"Come and Dance" Princess of Dawning's Heart (Use Head Phones to Hear Drums) White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings

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Friday, September 30, 2011

Fire Ceremony


Most importantly is to light a candle and do a fire blessing. Say "I bless the sacred nine streams and the four holy directions. I bless myself, I bless the world."

Thunder Woman your Princess of Dawning Sings to Know the Breeze, the Song of the Heavenly Steves(crowns or kinsmen). And singing in the days of long, the purification that gets us home!



Thunder Woman your Princess of Dawning Sings to Know the Breeze, the Song of the Heavenly Steves(crowns or kinsmen). And singing in the days of long, the purification that gets us home!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Picture Your World Beautiful

Can you do me a small yet gigantic favor? Can you take a few minutes out of each day- or several few minutes throughout each day- and just.....Imagine your perfect world. Can you picture your world beautiful? You can picture one part, a thousand parts, or the whole. It's your picture, your imagination. So, it's really up to you.
While you are drinking your coffee or your tea, smoking your cigarette(now's not the time to be worrying about that yet), taking a break, taking a shower, whatever and whenever; Can you picture your world beautiful?
Can you take that second to smile while you imagine thick green blades of grass popping up-springing- to life still wet with dew drops? Can you see that one beautiful blade of grass, so green and so new? Now can you see your whole backyard filled, so thick, with thousands, millions of those blades of grass?~Nature is awakening~
Can you, just for one moment,
see yourself out in the fields, scooping the soil in your hands-thick, rich, black soil? So thick and rich and nourished it barely blows when it falls? Can you smell Mother Earth? ~Your senses are awakening~
Can you, for a moment somewhere,
picture the sky-the deepest blue you've ever seen-and it looks sooo big and far away, yet so close to you. You feel wrapped up in it's arms, comforted. And can you see the calmness of that one puffy, fluffy cloud hanging out, just to be?~Your soul is awakening~
Can you, just for a moment,
see the leaves on the trees, thickening with every blow in the breeze? They can be any color you want-green, gold, red, orange-this is your world, your picture. It's beautiful. ~Your true beauty is awakening~
Can you also, somewhere sometime
imagine your perfect baby waking up from a nap, and he's curious, looking around-
and even when you're not in the room, can you see him kinda shrug and be like"hmmm"
Can you see him standing up, holding onto the side of his crib or playpen, smiling and waiting, playfully
because he knows you'll be there soon. He knows there's nothing to fear. Can you see that?~Your joy is awakening~
Can you do me that favor? Can you do us all that favor? Even just once, during your day, take a second, smile, and picture our world beautiful. You can do that for me? For us? ~Alas, your love has awoke~

I bow and I bless the sacred nine directions.

~~Let your imaginations soar(run with the lions, swim with the sea). Let your hearts be filled with beauty, love and grace. And may the love you hold and the love you share(by dreaming, by meditating) illuminate so bright upon the world, that it can't help but be passed on to the next.~~

with all my love and blessings,
violet child
rainbow warrior of prophecy

Charlene Sings to Know the Breeze, the Song of the Heavenly Steves(crowns or kinsmen). And singing in the days of long, the purification that gets us home!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

"I Am On My Way" Charlene Sings to Show Us Spring (beginnings)!

Beloved Relative Charlene,
Here is your sacred song blessings and your rainbow colors arevioletaquamagentagray. Welcome violet child, voice of the people.  Aqua is the embrace, leader of men, sky. Magenta the dance and song, great caretaker. And Gray, we are all connected by gray, each carry in the seen world, including plants, animals and rocks have gray as their last rainbow colors. If they do not have this color at the end, then they are unseen.  

These are a brief explanations of your rainbow colors. Please go tocrystal-indigo-children.blogspot.com to use search on blog to share other rainbow colors stories.  You can ask for a rainbow colors song, where each color is sharing in song.  However in the meantime, visit our blog.  You can even searchsacredsongblessings.blogspot.com which this blog post is on, however, most of what I say is geared towards the individual rather than rainbow colors.  Our (rainbow warriors of prophecy) blogs are linked together.

Light polarizes around dark. Dark polarizes around light.  Gray is a dark color, called grandmother. Grandmother holds us close to her while allowing us to have dream space, the spiraling place, where inside dreams are contained. The spider weaves destiny. The crow warns and survives. These are representative of dreamspace. Grandmother does not weave the blanket (dreamspace support structures) but weaves us together, unites us, by pulling us together in one place. She weaves in and out of our hearts, to feel the greatness in each child, like only a Grandmother (gray child) can.  However, as an overlay, we are connected to dreamspace and inside the garden. In dreams, you often find yourself in tunnels. These tunnels are held together by gray or dreamspace.  We belong together, united.

I have read that when I write the songs, it's more powerful to sum.  However, others think the sound is more powerful, it depends of point of view or perspective.  I wish I had time to dew both, however, I dew (cling) not have the extra time. If  you want to transcribe, please offer this to the world, and add to the hoops knowledge, this would be wonderful. If not, then others will hear the songs.  

Recently, I gifted a group of people a sacred song blessing. They readily received it. However, they were not purified and I did not have Holiness David Running Eagle with me, like usual.  My song was sow crackled and not nice sounding.  But the words were completely wonderful.  It's hard to sing heavenly angels when others are not purified.  The most beautiful song I ever hear are when I am in the elders agenda meeting, where all is purified.  Those elders are the branches that bow to the world, of heaven and earth.  As for the rest of us, we are learning to purify. And as a violet child, we depend on you to voice this to the world.  Share with others the need to ask for rainbow colors.  This will enlighten them to the Rainbow Clan and how we are all united, in a world where there is nowhere to hide anymore. We know the hearts of each other. And this heavenly skill on the blue road, increases with our sensitivity.  It's the dawning and mankind are like children reaching out for their greatness, but often misunderstand the world and the heavenly spirits that speak with us and blow through us as wind. 

Thank you for study of the sacred blessing to purify your space,birthingofhope.blogspot.com is a gift for those who want sacred space in their world. This is not a once a week thing, like going to church, but a daily cleansing that keeps us sane, rather than claiming the world around us as our own impure.  Your rainbow colors are all gate (for lavenders, gatekeeper violet and magenta) and door keepers (for crystals, doorkeeper aqua).  Which means, you are the caretaker of the kings or kingsmen.  You see, we all go through the rainbow colors over evolution. And each of us eventually become other rainbow colors through the journey of our souls.  However, the journey of our rainbow colors shows us to unite to our soul as tools of the universe, to communicate and have powers, we can only dream about, these days. It's up to us, to stand up to our greatness and become the Great Powers of Love that cleanse this world.

your devoted servants,
White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings and Holiness David Running Eagle Drums
elder crystal child and elder lavender child
alightfromwithin.orgRainbow Warriors of Prophecy

Charlene Sacred Song Blessing says, "I am on my Way"
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On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 11:31 AM, Charlene Cordovawrote:
Dear White Buffalo Calf Woman,
I have come to ask for my sacred four directions.~Thank You ~With Light and Love~Charlene Cordova~ 
Hoop 4: Teach what is right, that law is the LOVE, then when two hearts is united, we share with intelligence. However if LOVE doesn't lead the way, then we fight to unite LOVE, two broken hearts, then we know that we are walking the truth path, the love to each other, the kind that lasts, over rolling hills in time, over the suns, and into the heart of the blue seas of everyone. We are the Prophecy, the Rain upon the Land, so parched, it will need a Rainbow, to serve it home the right way and know where to land (the Rainbow always lands on the pot of gold, abundance, brotherhood)!

Sacred Song Blessings, gift all a good song, because you are perfect in all that does song. Our hearts reach into heaven, and we flood, with a sound, the music of Angels, that gift us pure sound. I want you to know, that you are part of God, the echo, that lingers till light hits the "Dawn". And we are the magic, that children who know, the heart always has pureness, like the blessed snow!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Rainbow Clan Treasures, Hues of Color in You and Me!

Beloved I pray
That you show me the way
I ask for your protection all around me
So that I may flow gently like the waves on the sea

I ask for your guidance to swim through my soul
And thank you for leading me back to my home
Free and happy, joyous me
I'm flowing with the gentle breeze
Loving, smiling, carefree soul
Swaying with that big tall Oak
Whistling with that shady tree
Home for you, Home for me
This is where I want to be
One with You, One with Me
Imagine it, if you can see
Imagine it, if you believe

Creators of our space and time
Creators of your world and mine
So let your mind bring up the past
Of leaves so green and tall blades of grass
Of golden wheat rolling fast
Making you float as you go past
The bluest skies you've ever seen

With hues of purple, pink and green
So, don't hold back, Let it show
Reap the treasures you have sown
Lazily float the river grand
Dive in the lakes throughout our land
Let us be ourselves again
One part of a whole Rainbow Clan~

 I Bow and Bless the Sacred Nine Directions
Thank You,
Violet Child, Rainbow Warrior of Prophecy

Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

Charlene Sings to Know the Breeze, the Song of the Heavenly Steaves (crowns or kinsmen). And singing in the days of long, the purification that gets us Home!

I Dreamed And Prayed For the Divine!

Relatives of the Rainbow, 
A song I wrote about an experience I had recently.
Included are interpretation notes by White Buffalo Calf Woman in brackets {}.

I bow and I Bless the Sacred Nine Directions.
Thank You (and enjoy),
Violet Child, Rainbow Warrior of Prophecy

I have dreamed, I have flown
I have dreamed, I have known
I have bowed and I have prayed
And I have almost gone insane
I fell down and then I cried

{bowed over like the rainbow, humility is known}

Though I couldn't tell you why
But I can tell you what I felt
Praying-Crying-Pleading, for someone else
And the sadness was so real
So overwhelming, Too deep I feel
I was begging for her life
Until each time, my tears they dried
With only a moment of given peace
I'd feel again, and hit my knees

{here we go again, the sacred bow of humbleness, which many are facing right now, the holy cow, sacred four directions of rainbow colors}

I was begging, I could feel my child
Sadness as deep as the river's wild
To help her please is what I cried
Until again, my tears they dried
Oh- No, No, No, No- I fall again

{here the third bow, the roll over in the clouds}

I'd pray and cry from deep within
When it got too much for me to take
"It's ok, it's God's will" is what I'd say
On and off, throughout the night
Until at last, it did subside
Real or not, I do not know
Was it the past or future shown?
Either way, I can't deny
It was a message from The Divine.

{aho, spirit fly}
Charlene Sings

Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

Charlene Sings to Know the Breeze, the Song of the Heavenly Steaves (crowns or kinsmen). And singing in the days of long, the purification that gets us Home!

Leave a Blessing, Touch the Water!